Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mounting SSH Server Using FUSE

FUSE which stands for Filesystem in Userspace has brought a host of features to mount a remote filesystem using various protocols like SSH, FTP. FUSE allows non privileged users to develop their own filesystem without even modifying the Kernel, basically fuse is module which play a role of bridge between user space and the kernel.

To Mount a remote partition locally. Run the Command (You Dont Need To be Root User to Run this Command).

root# sshfs user@hostname:path_of_directory_to_be_mounted mount_to_point

root# sshfs ashwin@ /mnt/

If You are using a specific port for connecting to your SSH Server use -p Option

root# sshfs -p 10234 ashwin@ /mnt/

where 10234 is the port running SSH Service
Important Note : To Mount other Partition like /var, /opt, /root you have to mount being a root user ofthe remote machine.

root# cd /mnt

root# ls

keyring-0sIxHo keyring-K0zJSJ msrv2832d0.1.tmp
keyring-16cIRa keyring-kJqkFX mysqlbin.000085
keyring-1h8sea keyring-kzkqpE mysqlbin.000086
keyring-1M5nUH keyring-lyNVMO mysqlbin.000087
keyring-2i7woO keyring-m0dxjd mysqlbin.000088
keyring-4hSFtb keyring-m1xNam mysqlbin.000089
keyring-68PwBN keyring-mTgrKf mysqlbin.000092
keyring-7JY4q3 keyring-NDLFUc mysqlbin.000093
keyring-7zjMDV keyring-nt2Ygk mysqlbin.index

Enjoy, you have mounted a remote directory locally that to on secured transmission.

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